Alejandro A. Pérez Pabón

4th year Software Engineer


Hello reader, I'm an up and coming student at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Campus studying Software Engineering. I'm currently looking for internship experience in the field of Software Engineering. I'm a hardworking and dedicated person that is always looking to learn new things and improve my skills. I'm also a very creative person that likes to think outside the box and find new ways to solve problems.

My Skills:





Eclipse IDE

Visual Studio Code




React Native

My Projects:

Particle Simulator (C++) Sep-Oct 2022

A particle system simulator that the user can change the particle's behavior. The simulator has 4 simulation modes that the user can play/engage with. Some of the mode's behavior is enlarging the particles, scrambling the particles, and changing the color of the particles themselves. the particles themselves. Link to the GitHub repository

Spooky Quest RPG (C++) Oct-Nov 2022

An RPG with a rock-paper-scissors style of combat. The point of the game is to beat every boss from every level without dying/losing all your health. In the game itself, there are NPCs that you can interact with to gain more stats towards your character and secret keybinds. Link to the GitHub repository

Fractals (C++) Nov-Dec 2022

A program that displays different Fractals. The user can change between Fractals and their recursive depth. OpenFrameworks was used and the concept of recursion. Link to the GitHub repository

Crack the Crime Code Feb-Mar 2023

A project that involves being a Police Department with the task of arresting criminal organizations. As the police, your task is to arrest every organization and their members, and generate a police report with the details of every arrest. Link to the GitHub repository

Huffman Code Mar-Apr 2023

A project about developing a Huffman Encoding Algorithm to compress strings, reducing it's size. Used a Huffman Tree. Link to the GitHub repository

Notaso CIIC-ICOM Professors Aug 2023

A python webscraper that finds a professor's rating and student's comments in professor-rating website called "Notaso". I used the "BeautifulSoup" and "requests" modules to make the scraping work. Also, the professors are from the CSE and ECE Departments from the University of Puerto Rico - Mayaguez Campus. Link to the GitHub repository

Tutoring App Aug 2023

Web App course project that involved implementing a tutoring app where students could interact with tutors, view different ratings and courses that tutors provide, and have the ability to schedule a session with a tutor and leave a review after. The technologies used were React Native as frontend, and Supabase as backend. Link to the GitHub repository

StudyPet Jan 2024

Course project that involved creating an app for a studypet, with the goal to study for an upcoming exam using a virtual pet to take care. Basic necesities like cleaning and eating require you to study using a flashcard system. This was developed in React Native, and AsyncStorage as backend. Testing was implemented using Jest and Stryker. Link to the GitHub repository